Brand standards  •  Graphics standards  •  Typography



Primary typefaces: Anton and Roboto

Headline font: Anton

Anton is a bold, single weight sans serif font designed for larger display. It is used for headlines. It should not be used for anything longer than a sentence. Anton is a free Google font: Download Anton

Body font: Roboto

Roboto is a sans serif typeface body font with a variety of weights. It is used for both subheadings and body copy for easy readability. Body copy size should ideally range between 11pt and 14pt depending on the print or digital application. Roboto is a free Google font: Download Roboto

Sample sizing below for standard print use:


Font size: 36pt
Leading: 42–45pt


Roboto Bold
Font size: 18pt
Leading: 22-24pt

Body copy

Roboto Regular
Font size: 12pt
Leading: 16-18pt

Recommended font selection:

Sample Treatment_1 (1)
Sample Treatment_2 (1)

Body copy font for editorial-style publications: Shippori Mincho

Shippori is ideal for editorial publications and more formal/elevated designs, best used for body copy. Pair it with Anton and Roboto for a balanced design. It works well for news-style publications, offering an editorial feel similar to The New York Times or The Washington Post. Anton should always be the choice for headlines. Shippori is a free Google font: Download Shippori Mincho

Body copy size should ideally range between 12pt and 14pt depending on the print or digital application.

Editorial Font Treatment

Microsoft and alternative fonts

Microsoft Office applications

We now have preferred fonts for use in Microsoft programs, ensuring layout consistency when sharing PowerPoint or Word files – including those created from our templates. These fonts should only be used within Microsoft applications. The Microsoft fonts are Impact (for use in place of Anton), Aptos (in place of Roboto), and Georgia (in place of Shippori Mincho).

Font stacks for web and digital apps that do not allow font customization

In some applications it is not possible to use our brand fonts. For example, in email marketing services like Luminate, Constant Contact, Mailchimp, and Marketing Cloud only font stacks are available for HTML use.

In this case use this font stack:

Sans serif: Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans serif